
 1950年代から80年代にかけての公民権運動に関わった人々にインタビューして、彼らが語ったことを主題ごとにタピストリ―を織るようにつないでいった Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s through the 1980s という本があり、当然のことながら、ちょこちょことRFKが登場します。 

Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s Through the 1980s

Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s Through the 1980s

 68年、キング牧師は貧困問題に全力をあげており、「貧者の行進」(Poor People's Campaign)を企画していました。

 この運動は、キングの側近からすら反対が出、それまでキングをサポートしていたジョンソン政権もキングと絶縁してしまうという具合に、かなり論議を呼んだものでしたが、キングの遺志は受け継がれて、合衆国全土から貧困者たちがワシントンD.C.に向かって集まり始め、キングの構想通り、彼らはリンカーン記念館(Lincoln Memorial1)の近くに粗末なテントを建てそこに住みました。そこは5月13日にキングの側近だったアバナシー牧師により「復活の町」Resurrection Cityと名づけられました。(「町長」はジェシー・ジャクソン)。


さて、Voices of Freedom には、この「復活の町」について一章割かれているのですが、そこにちょっとだけRFKが出てきます。








Voice on radio: 'Sen. Robert Francis Kennedy died at 1:44 a.m. today...'

Fauntroy: June the 5th, 1968.

Cooks: To hear the Robert Kennedy was assassinated, it was like 'My God, again.'

Fauntroy: It was hard, people just went crazy. They were cussing out nuns who were coming every day to feed because they were white. They were turning on one another -- 'You Hispanics are taking our jobs, you Indians should have beat the Cowboys.' There was just a pervasive angryness.

Moone: The leadership of the Poor People's Campaign were very disgusted. They were not getting Congress to listen. And they were saying, 'You're going to hear us before you leave.'

Fauntroy: And the Federal Government said, 'Look, if you could control the people, put them in the kind of discipline we had when it was beautiful, fine.' And as I said, all of a sudden. It just popped out!

Cooks: The bulldozers came in from the 17th St. entrance.

Edelman: I think it was June 24th.

Cooks: People were told move out or you're going to be crushed over.

Fauntroy: And I went down there and watched it. Helplessly.

Cooks: This was demolition. They bulldozed it.

Fauntroy: The people I had been talking to didn't have any prior knowledge of it.

Cooks: And in a very short period of time, there was no more Resurrection City.

 この「貧者の行進」運動については、私が大好きだったテレビ番組「American Experience」(PBS)で2006年に放映があったみたいです。





In the midst of organizing, King detours to support striking sanitation workers in Memphis, where he is assassinated on April 4, 1968. Riots erupt around the country as people mourn the loss. The SCLC presses forward with the Poor People's Campaign just weeks later, settling people on the National Mall in an encampment they call "Resurrection City." Jesse Jackson leads protesters in direct actions around the city, and in chants of "I am somebody."

However, the protest fails after heavy rains and unclear agendas bog down the participants. In the midst of their efforts, word comes that presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, a champion of civil rights, has been assassinated in California. In recognition of the poor people's protest, the hearse bearing Kennedy's body is brought through the encampment in Washington. The spirit has gone out of people, and soon Resurrection City is shut down.

